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Fasteners & Fixings
4693 products

Hardware, Chain & Accessories
86 products

Fittings & Equipment
275 products

Sealants & Decorating
31 products

Hand tools
890 products

Power, Air Tools & Accessories
186 products

PPE & Clothing
143 products

Tapes, Oils & Compounds
132 products

201 products

90 products

21 products

266 products

About JR Webster
In 1973 an enterprising young man named Richard Webster set up a small business in North Wales. The company targeted the engineering trade and specifically their industrial fastener requirements. From these small beginnings the foundations were laid for one of the largest suppliers to industry for the North-West and North-Wales regions.
Since then the company has evolved and diversified into an organisation that trades from nine locations and possesses a vast stock range which is expanded upon in our products section. We supply products to all sectors of business and continually expand our product range to meet the ever changing needs of our customers.
From the smallest BA screw to the largest studbolt, in all materials from mild steels to exotic monels, if we do not stock it we can manufacture it. Tooling, PPE and consumable products from leading global manufacturers are prominent within our standard product range.
The company has a designated manager at each branch to provide technical support for all customer applications. All branches offer a trade counter facility and comprehensive stores section to ensure all products are kept in stock.
Throughout its history, the business has built up an enviable reputation for service, quality and competitive prices. We take great pride in being an independent family business offering a friendly, personal service combined with a high standard of business efficiency. With five members of the Webster family playing integral roles in the company this tradition will be upheld for many years to come.
So for the best possible service, attention and price please contact your nearest depot.